
Communication Protocol for Poker Game

Project maintained by BluffinMuffin Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


BluffinMuffin Protocol is a Bi-directional Communication Protocol for Poker Game. It has been proven on TCP using C#, but it not confined to it.

The project will be released using Semantic Versioning and developped using Vincent Driessen's Git Model.

Project includes

Known Implementations

Current Version: 4.0.0 (2015-12-04)


Playing Cards

Playing Cards sended and received with this protocol are always represented with a normalized string.

Obsolete Information

Obsolete information is information required by the protocol for retro-compatibility, but will disappear in the next major version. When implementing a version of the protocol that has an Obsolete information, this is what you should do

General Commands

General commands are for communication everywhere.

Lobby Commands

Lobby commands are for communication about identification, table list, table creations, etc. Everything that is around a poker game, but that isn't directly a poker game. The lobby has two modes: Quick mode and Registered mode.

Quick mode

The Quick mode is a mode where the money is given to the player when he enters the table. For example, If the amount is set to 1500 on Table1, every player will receive 1500$ to play with when they will enter the Table. For more information on this mode, see the Quick Mode Documentation section.

Registered mode

The Registered mode is a mode where a player connects with an account. He then have some money, that he uses throughout different games. When entering a game, he will take some of that money to play, and when he leaves what was left of that money will be given back to him. For more information on this mode, see the Registered Mode Documentation section.

Game Commands

Game commands are for communication inside a specific table. It's for all the actions on a poker game. For more information on these commands, see the Game Commands Documentation section.